Personal experience

I started my adventure in online business to get a life of choice and live in the places I wanted. I was employed in a company, I worked as a seller in a garden centre, and I earned barely more than the minimum income. I decided to change this way of life, and to put everything in place to get the life I wanted to have. It was no longer possible for me to stay long in the system. No concrete dream and so on. Without a real source of investment, without capital, I managed, over time, to generate a full salary, to live from my online activity and to succeed in my goal of a free life abroad. Develop skills, create content, create products. With work, motivation, methods, anything is possible, provided you really want it and also accept failures to bounce back better. The solutions, there is one, and that's what I share on this site.

Training courses

Online business courses available

Digital courses

Training courses to obtain geographical and financial freedom. Develop skills in the era of time, earn money online with stable processes, based on content creation, live abroad.

Online courses school Digital Solutions

Nicolas is the founder of Digital Solutions. After many years of work and experience, he decided to create this online courses school in order to offer solutions adapted to the needs of people on the technical skills of the modern world. Training is the basis of all success, this is the reason why skills are shared in an online course system. These are optimized in a learning structure that allows learners to gradually increase their level.

Perseverance the key of succes

Of course, I would like to offer you miracle solutions that allow you to work little and earn a lot. It doesn't exist and there's no point in wasting time with quick and scam solutions that don't work. You have to work directly with a long term vision, skills, and concrete content. This is why I created Digital Solutions. Here, no miracle method from dream sellers that will waste your time and money, but many concrete structured methods to implement and repeat in order to develop a stable online income on the internet. It's quite possible, I live fully from my various online activities, I worked with perseverance to obtain these exciting results. I also do what I like and what suits me in my online work.

Things to do for long term success

  • Target skills

  • Develop online skills

  • Learn as much as possible on the things of the time

  • Work regularly

  • Highlighting your online activity for the benefit of secondary activities of everyday life without value

  • Succeed in small daily actions to achieve big results

  • Overcome obstacles and above all do not stop at the first failure