The complete guide to learn Blender software. Master 3D modeling with the powerful features of the software. Create realistic environments. Work with modeling and create 3D objects. Add textures and create renders.
Fusion 360
The complete course to learn Fusion 360. Master all the features. Master dashboard, create sketches, use the different tools to convert sketches to 3D models. Add materials and create real renders. Create assemblies and more.
The complete course to learn SolidWorks version Makers. Powerful CAD software,master sketches, convert sketches in 3D models with features. Add materials, create assemblies, work with surfaces.
The complete course to learn Freecad for 3D modeling. Start with the dashboard, understand the workbenches. Master part workbench. Master part design workbench, create sketches, add constraints and use the different tools. Create 3D models.
Solid Edge
The complete course to learn Solid Edge Community Edition. Create 3D models with amazing features. Start with sketches and convert to models with the different features. Edit models, add materials, create assembly, introduce model on page.
The complete course to learn Onshape. Master the dashboard, start with sketches, convert sketches to 3D models with all the tools. Transform objects with all the features. Master assemblies, add materials and create amazing 3D models.